Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Wednesday, Wednesday, WEDNESDAY!!!

Powered by a Gerbil!!! Now with Wednesdays!

That's right! You heard the nameless voice from above right! I will now be posting on Wednesdays. You see, there are people who have free time. Then there are people who have a lot of free time. Then there is me. People like me are the ones who have nothing but free time. So, I decided that I can post more often now and that I might actually stay on schedule.

Well, you might notice (probably not though) that I changed some stuff in the layout. There shall be more changes once I decide what I actually want to do. It's really not that hard. The people at blogger made it so easy to change everything. All you need to know is some basic HTML (and some not basic), and who doesn't know that ^_^.

So... um... yeah... It's quiet here. *twiddles thumbs* Lalalala... Wow, I really DO have a lot of free time. Oh well, lets get to talking about something that can be semi-interesting for people to read.

Yeah, I'm handling no FFXI pretty well. I just went back to what I used to do. Play lots of other games. I'm really into Kingdom hearts and this online Zoid MSN group, that's fun. I got a pretty little Sabrelion (for those of you who have seen the show). Kingdom Hearts is really fun. I actually used to think that it was a stupid game, but then I played the game and saw that it's just as good as people have said. I'm at this annoying part though, so I haven't played lately. Tonight I'll probably get ot play it at Sahil's house if I bring it. I'll also play some Metroid Prime if I can borrow it from Alex. Ooh, and I have to play FFX again. I was thinking of playing FFX-2, but I'll see.

Hmm... This ranting business is getting easier as I go. Maybe sometime I might start updating more often (don't get your hopes up). Well, I'm off to talk to Ricardo some more and maybe go play some FFX-2 (the game might not be the best, but I just wanna know the story ^^;;). I'll see you all on Sunday :P


Sunday, June 27, 2004

Watashi wa tsukareta desu...

Yeah... It's finally summer and I'm busier than I was during the school year. There is too much to do... But, before I begin with that... I must give my tidings to a great game that I will miss much (well, sorta).

Final Fantasy XI
That game that you play so much
Your addictive little drug
The white powder found on your nose...

There are many names for the game. Some of them explain the game better than others. I had about 18 days on my game before I had to quit (btw, I quit for many different reasons, not one reason alone). One thing that I am glad of: I don't have a F***ing 60+ days on mine (I'm looking at YOU Adam)!!! It was an addiction... well, sorta. But it was fun as anything! Yeah, so, it is now gone and I will never play it again on my own character.

Well... yeah, now onto summer (it should really have a kick ass name... like... um... Ass Kicker of School... or something... you know ^^;). I have a pile of crap to do before school starts. Lemme make a list: Learn Japanese, Run my ass off, Run some more, Get in shape for running, Learn C++ (o.O;;), and have fun while doing it all. It's a crazy schedule that I have to make to do all of this. I hope I can do it ^^;. Oh, and throw in all of this random junk like volunteering for things so that I look "well rounded" to colleges. Yeah... I'm gonna be busy.

Wow... I SUCK at ranting. I want to rant, but I can't think of anything to type. Hmm... Well... um... I know! Guess what?!? Me and James actually fixed* his computer. I think by some miracle God has given us the power to cleanse computers of disease (wow, that sounded much better in my head).

Ok, well, I'm tired (if you can't read the title... failures...). I'm gonna go and do stuff on the computer and then do whatever it is I do... Yeah, without Final Fantasy XI I do a lot of junk... You'll see! Really! I don't have a problem! *Runs away to the... computer...*

*By fixed we do not actually mean totally, but compared to before it is a god unto itself ^^

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Total Eradication!

Hehe ^_^; Well, I haven't posted on Sunday like I said that I would, but I'll catch up since it's summer. I'm sort of tired right now because I was at James's house for quite some time. Last day of school is tomorrow and so is Sahil's coolio party that he's gonna have that we're all gonna go to ^^.

*1 week later*

Yeah... the top part there was a draft because I was tired and didn't feel like finishing. It's been only a week but it feels like a long time has passed. Lots of junk has happened. You should all be excited, whoever you all are, because stuff will also happen to the layout of this semi-spiffed up blog.

Oh, the title? Well, it is (according to james) the ultimate solution to solve all solutions. Yeah, it was funny and we all laughed for a certain period of time.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

So close... but so tired...

Ok, well, last week was pretty busy (as busy as anything in my life can really get ^^;). I had a history paper (*snore*) and other junk that I had to do for school. When I'm not working on homework, I just decide to go play some Final Fantasy XI or Dance Dance Revolution. That takes up a lot of my time.

Well, last night it was Nick's b-day sleep over thing. His birthday was a couple of days ago, so he had a celebration. There was much fun to be had last night ^^. Me and James brought over DDR to his house and we got to hook it up to the big tv in the basement. On the small tv we hooked up Nick's Gamecube and played lots of Super Smash Bros. Melee. There was something to do all night long.

We started the night with some poker, though. First game, I lost in the first few hands (we were using poker chips worth imaginary money), but later on, I had a pile of chips that none of us wanted to count ^_^.

While that was fun, the DDR was terrible for me... I was totally out of it... I couldn't even pass Tsugaru... Oh, well, I have a lot of practice left. Since Nick had only played DDR once in his life, we had to give him our lesson. His other friend that came had never played, but by the morning we had them both doing at least a few four footers.

So where was I... I meant to start this talking about how school is gonna end and how annoying it is and all of the junk that we're forced to do etc, etc. Everyone knows the drill, right? If you don't just go over to McDonald's and ask the people working what they think about school (hehe ^^).

I decided that since I tend to play a lot of FFXI, that I'll try to update this thing at least once a week, highlighting everything interesting that happens (don't get your hopes up though ^^;). Well, I'm doing this pretty early because I'm actually tired from yesterday, so I'll talk to you all next week.
